Fighting a Thankless Heart

I woke up this morning to 58 degrees. That’s a big deal in south Florida. It actually feels like autumn even if the only fall color is the fake garland I’ve used to decorate my house. Cooler weather energizes me. I’m not naïve. It won’t last, so I take advantage while I can. 

As soon as I got dressed and came downstairs this morning, I made myself a cup of coffee and headed outside with a blanket to enjoy some time with the Lord in the cold. (Don’t laugh, you Northerners! 58 is cold for us!) A friend texted me around 9 to ask if I’d had my breakfast outside. She gets it. Or at least she knows me. Lol. 

The thoughts came to my mind, echoed in my friend’s next line of text. It could stay like this all the way into the opening of 2024. YES! I would love that. Would make the lack of seasons a little easier to bear. But a pang of guilt shot through me the second after that thought flitted through my head. God gave me (and all the cool-loving people stuck in season-less south Florida) this day. He sent a touch of fall for me to enjoy, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I admit, I still want more. I love this weather. But I realized I had to take this day for what it is. A gift. If every day were like this, I might not appreciate this one as much. So I thanked Him and begged His forgiveness for not being satisfied.

Eventually my messy kitchen called me back inside, where I rushed to open the windows. With AC running all year long, fresh air from open windows is a rare treat. So with gratitude in my heart for God’s gift of lower temperatures today, I’m off to clean while enjoying the natural cool of the outdoors.

May He always remind me of the little blessings He bestows each day. And may my heart be every open to His rebuke when I’m tempted to grumble about what I don’t have. 

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